The parent-teacher association is an essential component of any school management system. This association comprises parents chosen during general body meetings and represents each class. A handful of teachers too are selected to serve on the PTA.

PTA members meet at regular intervals and forward their suggestions and comments for the management to implement for the better administration of the school.

Members of the PTA make available a variety of viewpoints regarding various matters, both academic and administrative. It is a free service they offer and it is highly valued.

We will conduct PTA meetings periodically after cycle tests and summative assessments to discuss focused and targeted feedbacks with parents to improve academic achievements and sort out


SMC has to play a crucial role for awareness and participation especially parents in school development activities. It has to work to create a conductive learning environment in the school, ensure active involvement of Civil Society Organization, putting in place an institutional mechanism for constant dialogue at the community level. Positive trend of enrolment and retention at elementary level, involvement of community in school development activities, proper utilization of grants, organizing co-scholastic activities for children, initiating Social Audit etc. are few indicators that reflect the efforts made in this regard. For strengthening the function of School Management Committee, SMC members are empowered on these areas.

In our school, the SMC meeting was convened two times in every academic Year in the month of April and November. Discussion and confirmation of minutes in last SMC will be held and Principal will present the points and plans of new academic year. Approvals from SMC members, parents' representatives for the plans will happen.

We are very grateful to our beloved SMC members for serving as an architect in building the future generations.

Sexual harassment committee

In order to review the incidence of sexual harassment or gender disparities the SHC meeting will be held three months once in our school campus with the members headed by the chairperson. The committee ensures the safety and security of children's from any physical abuse. The committee will also invigilate whether any emotional abuse happening in the campus to the children.

Continuous counseling and sensitization programmes were organized by this association on "Ill effects of drugs", mobile de-addiction etc.,