


Our spacious classrooms provide the ideal atmosphere where learning can take place uninterrupted by outside distractions. All the classrooms are equipped with Smart Class, an interactive learning software comprising of digital modules or lessons, which the teacher can easily access and project in the classroom that illuminates and explains abstract and difficult concepts with liquid clarity.

Computer Lab

In this fast changing world, the technology has become a necessity. The Computer Lab is well-equipped to develop and encourage the student's interest in computers starting from Std 1 to Std 10.

Science Lab

The Science Lab gives each student a practical understanding of experiments and science concepts in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The lab is equipped with all the necessary things required for scientific research and development.

Counseling Centre

The guidance and counseling of students is an integral component of the educational mission of the school. The diverse needs of students may require specific counseling. For instance, by addressing a student's personal/social needs through counseling, the school counselor teaches the student to adapt and grow stronger, as well as be ready for educational challenges also.