Beyond Academics

Through proper guidance, students learn to appreciate others. Counselling makes them more aware of their choices and goals. They make better choices in school as well as get mentally prepared for the future. Proper counselling can help students talk openly about their issues. Proper counselling helps them resolve all their personal and academic issues.


Up to Standard VIII, Art & Craft, Silambam, Dance, and Yoga are academic periods in the timetable because we perceive them to be an essential component of the education process. From Standard IX onwards, we conduct "Seva Activities" (Interact Club) once an a year.


Skill-based courses will help students to improve on ideas and skills that they already have, and it will give their future a boost.

Different skills will help students learn something new that will enable them to acquire more knowledge and enlighten their future. Many workshops such as 3D printing, solar photovoltaic cell design and installation, and waste water management were organized.


School field trips give children a different level of excitement and fun. It gives them something to look forward to. In essence, field trips erase the boredom that is associated with classroom lectures. Educational and adventure camps are an important part of our annual calendar. Trips to the super markets, historical places, the park, planetarium, places of worship, museums, factories, research centres etc. are organized.


We aim to promote and teach values associated with healthy living, encouraging a lifelong enjoyment of physical activity, thereby making a major contribution to sports and games.

Students are encouraged to take part in intra-mural sports meets and inter-school sports competitions.

The mandatory school programme comprises athletics, football, volleyball, tennis, skating, and cricket etc. This programme takes place on Saturday or after school hours from Monday to Friday.



We aim to develop the next generation to become responsible, influential, and inspiring leaders. One of the greatest challenges we are facing is environmental change. It is our aim to instil a sense of awareness in children today, from the youngest nursery. Activities include eco-friendly day celebrations, cleaning drives in school grounds and surrounding areas, medicinal plant cultivation in school, exhibitions and competitions such as essays, poems, drawings, nature camps, eco-trips, and so on.


Dance is the perfect form of self-expression and self-improvement. Whether it is physical movement of the body or mental synchronization with different melodies, dancing helps the students express themselves in the best possible way. We have excellent facilities and faculty for developing dance skills. Students enjoy participating in folk, classical, western, contemporary, and other types of dance.


Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the four macro skills of language learning. In the world of linguistics, all four of these skills hold equal worth. A student may say they have good communication and effective interpersonal skills only when these four capabilities seamlessly blend together.

SGV emphasizes more on communication skills; hence they conduct many activities to enhance their communication.

Our Literary Clubs provide ample opportunities for the students to hone their language skills by conducting many events such as flip chart presentations, seminars, debates, group discussions, etc.


A theatre club is an extracurricular activity designed to engage students in the performing arts and theater. Students will learn acting skills; work on building sets and making props, design costumes and makeup and more.